The Pregnant athlete nutrition course


Hey pregnant runner!

When I first became pregnant as a sports dietitian, athlete, and personal trainer I was absolutely floored by how little information (and also how much misinformation) there was out there for pregnant athletes when it came to nutrition & training. Pregnancy is a natural process that so many athletes experience- it isn’t a disease or something super uncommon- so why wasn’t there more information out there guiding us how to continue to stay active, understand how to make nutrition adjustments, optimize labwork, set ourselves up for as smooth a delivery & postpartum experience as possible (within our control), and feel good during pregnancy and beyond?!

While some basic nutrition info for pregnant people out there could be applied to athletes, I found myself answering a lot of questions pertaining specifically to runners like:

  • should my fueling before, during, and after training change?

  • what sports nutrition products do I need to avoid during pregnancy?

  • how do my energy/calorie needs change during pregnancy & postpartum and how much should I eat?

  • how should my training change if my appetite & nutrition intake changes during the trenches of the first trimester?

  • are there any nutrition interventions I can implement during pregnancy to keep me feeling good and performing well in my sport?

  • my doctor said my mild anemia was “fine” but is it actually…?

  • how do I pick a prenatal? Are there any other supplements I should be taking as an active pregnant person?

  • social media makes it seem like everything is toxic and I just want to do what’s best for my baby. How do I navigate eliminating foods to stay safe during pregnancy & what don’t I need to worry about?

  • do I really need to do the oral glucose tolerance test if I am a runner and never have had blood sugar issues? (spoiler: yes, yes you do)

  • What about postpartum recovery & if I want to breastfeed?

  • How do my nutrition needs change if I want to breastfeed and also get back to training?

So I took all the research that’s out there, my perspective as a sports dietitian & personal trainer (and athlete who’s navigated all this during pregnancy & postpartum herself!), & my clinical experience helping clients navigate these challenges and infused it into this passion project over the course of the last 1.5 years and bring to you: The Pregnant Athlete Nutrition Crash Course. We cover athlete specific nutrition considerations & interventions for every trimester (including when trying to conceive and the 4th trimester postpartum as well!), highlighting what you need to focus on and what you can leave behind.

This course is for you if you:

  • Enjoy live masterclass/webinar style learning & self paced education

  • Are self motivated, unafraid to ask questions as you go, & enjoy the process of learning on a deeper level about your health

  • Are currently pregnant, or looking to become pregnant, or have been pregnant before, or just have an interest in this topic

  • Need help navigating nutrition considerations as a pregnant athlete & want a Roadmap to help you with this

  • Are ready to take action using specific implementation tips & knowledge you receive along the way

This course is not for you if you:

  • Are looking for a “quick fix,” fad diet or weight loss focused program

  • Do not enjoy self paced learning or masterclass/webinar style learning

  • Are not willing to pace yourself, ask questions, or implement specific steps suggested to you

  • Have no interest in this topic (duh)

  • Think you would benefit most from 1:1 coaching, have a lot of unique medical conditions, and need more accountability (in this case, check out other services I offer)


what’s inside

  • 5 live calls, all taking place in September 2024, which will be recorded if you cannot make it live w/ lifelong access to those recordings & all supporting materials. These calls cover nutrition considerations for: trying to conceive, the first trimester, the second trimester, third trimester, labor and delivery fueling, and the fourth trimester/postpartum and breastfeeding if this is something you plan to do.

  • Private client Facebook group access where we host monthly challenges with prizes, provide a space to connect with Holley & each other and ask questions, share recipes, & more

  • Bonus content with a physical therapist & prenatal exercise specialist to get your training questions answered by a pro in the field who’s also been in your pregnant runner shoes!

  • Option to add on 1:1 appointments with Holley, labwork reviews, functional testing, get supplement discounts at any time


  • Is clearance from my physician/provider required prior to starting this course?

    • Yes, I recommend obtaining clearance from your provider or physician prior to enrolling in this course or implementing anything discussed in the program. This program is meant for general educational purposes only and does not replace individualized medical advice nor constitute a dietitian-client relationship.

  • I feel like my activity levels have changed quite a bit since becoming pregnant- will I still benefit from this course?

    • You bet! We will be covering this exact topic, which happens to many athletes during pregnancy & postpartum and can be totally normal and expected. We will be covering nutrition interventions to support a healthy mom, healthy pregnancy, and any activity you are able to do.

  • I have pregnancy complications- can I still take this course?

    • You can, though I strongly recommend obtaining clearance and individualized guidance from your provider prior to implementing what we will review in the course, as this course is geared towards healthy uncomplicated pregnancies and does not provide guidance specifically to any particular conditions or complications. I had some complications in my own pregnancy (placenta previa that resolved, anemia, & pre-eclampsia) though so I do take into account that many pregnancies have some uncontrollable factors & am mindful of this when providing information within the program.

  • I am not pregnant but am hoping to be! Can I take this course?

    • Absolutely! We will be covering things to consider when trying to conceive & you’ll have lifelong access to the recordings to support you for any future pregnancies.

  • Can I add on 1:1 appointments, lab reviews, and additional lab work if needed?

    • Yes. Students in the course get first access priority to these services, so if you feel like you’d like to add on a 1:1 consult to ask questions you may do so at any time. If you need help understanding what option would be best for your circumstances, send me an email to at any time.

  • Are there any live calls in the course?

    • Yes! There are 5 live calls covering the first, second, third, and fourth trimesters + bonus call with a prenatal fitness specialist.

  • Are live calls recorded in case I can’t make it live?

    • Yes always! You can watch the replays at any time.

  • I have a complicated health history and need specific recommendations in my journey. Is the course right for me?

    • Maybe, depending on the case, but. you may benefit more from 1:1 coaching- feel free to email me at and we can discuss further what would be the best option for you!

  • How long do I have access to the content within the course for?

    • You have lifelong access to all content within the course

  • I am a fellow dietitian/coach/practitioner- can I join the course?

    • Yes. I know many health care providers follow me who are looking to either broaden their own knowledge to best serve their clients or navigate personal health issues, or find inspiration in my business strategies. Please know that content shared in the course does not count as CEUs for continuing education documentation at this time. Also, the Pregnant Athlete Nutrition Crash Course and all content under Holley Fueled Nutrition is protected by copyright/trademark and is not to be reproduced, shared, sold, or used anywhere else or in any way. Resources within the Course and all programs under Holley Fueled Nutrition are meant for personal use only and do not replace formal training for health care professionals nor constitute as a professional mentor/mentee relationship. I do offer mentorship for fellow entrepreneurs, health care professionals, students, and coaches here though!

Have any other questions? Feel free to email me at so we can help answer them for you!



Hey-I’m Holley Samuel!

I am a board certified sports dietitian, master of education & eating disorders, and certified personal trainer- you can learn more about my educational background here ! This course is the resource and guide I wish I had myself when I was a pregnant runner trying to navigate all the confusing information (and lack thereof) out there regarding pregnancy & being an athlete.

During my first pregnancy with my son, I went on a roller coaster of events. I went from being in the best athletic shape of my life, PRing at the Boston Marathon, to being exhausted in the first trimester, put on pelvic rest for a good portion of my first & second trimesters due to placenta previa (and not being able to run or do much exercise at all), then being cleared to run again at 16 weeks, navigating anemia, running 2 half marathons during the back half of my pregnancy, and navigating scaling back on activity, changing things up to prioritize what felt good, implement labor prep, and understand how to best fuel myself and my baby the whole way! Pregnancy is a ride, and there are many controllable and uncontrollable factors. We will navigate how nutrition can keep us feeling good during this course.