nutrition courses for athletes



Are you a self paced learner? Check out my courses to help you grow your nutrition knowledge on the run!

  • Runner Roadmap Course- this is my flagship course that helps you build a strong nutrition foundation from the ground up. If you want to learn how much you need to be eating as a runner to support your training, how to adjust your nutrition if you’re injured or in the off season, considerations for plant based athletes & Masters Runners, meeting vitamnin and mineral needs, maintaining a healthy relationship with food & body image, and preventing injuries- this is the roadmap you need!

  • FUEL Mini Course- this mini course will walk you through what to eat before, during, and after your training including making a race day fueling plan so you can nail your nutrition and get that next PR!

  • Off Season Course- wondering how to adjust your nutrition, training, and mindset now that your race is over? Need help goal setting, understanding body composition, and digestive health? Check out my Off Season Course to gain that edge for next time you enter a training cycle!

  • Pregnant Athlete Nutrition Crash Course- Nutrition info for pregnant athletes is seriously lacking and there is so much misinformation out there! In this course we cover nutrition recommendations for pregnant athletes specifically during every trimester so you can feel your best during your pregnancy, labor, and postpartum.

  • FUELED Membership- gain access to all of my Masterclasses (past, present, and future- I offer a different online class every month including additional live monthly Q&A Zoom calls) and save $!